Tuesday 4 October 2011

Late September

An Indian Summer... so hot, up in the 80's most days. Too hot for Izzy even quite early in the morning so I took Kallie for walk.

Most of the field has been cut back and it feels like a different place.
Although the weather is so hot it was a misty morning, the sun came up and I was privileged to see this beautiful landscape.

The beginning of September saw some lovely weather, whilst out walking in the field I saw these acorns and just had to get a picture.

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The field has by now got very overgrown and old hawkeye spotted these lizards basking in the sun.


At the end of August our grandson came to stay for a few days.

Typically the weather was grotty- cold and rainy. We visited Cudmore Park on Mersea Island. Matt and Jordan spent some time skimming stones.

Just as we were getting ready to go home the sun came out...

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And we managed to eat our lunch 'al fresco'.


Because Kallie isnt very well behaved and once off lead would run off never to return,
we walk the dogs in a large contained field near to where we live.

All sorts of wildlife abound and back in June there were lots of these...

We found out that they are 5 spot Burdett Moths.

Aren't they beautiful ?

The Beginning

Some time ago I had an idea to blog events other than crafting that seemed worthy of a mention.
Matt and I love to walk the dogs and look at the nature around us.

I thought it would be good to record these things and some of our everyday life events.

The best place to start will probably be the dogs. I have had Izzy for just over 3 years. She is a lovely laid back black greyhound with a very delicate and sweet nature. Contrary to popular belief greyhounds do not need a lot of excercise and lounge the day away on the nearest sofa.

Matt has always had Dobermanns, and we rescued Kallie back in February. He wanted a dog that was a bit livelier than Izzy.....he should have been careful what he wished for ! For all of Izzys quietness and gentleness we have Kallie charging around like a bulldozer ! Talk about chalk and cheese !

I think the pictures tell the story.